Saturday, August 6, 2016

Seven Faceted Sight

Multifaceted Productive Vision!
(Zechariah 3:7-10)


..........This Passage brings to mind aspects of living which may be loosely called the Seven Aspects of Sight:
I. God & His .........(God,
................................... His Plan,
................................... His Family,
................................... His Work)

II. Others ...............(Our Immediate Family,
....................................Those outside our Family)

III. Hearing ..........(Listening,
................................... Pondering,
................................... Understanding)

IV. Seeking ...........(Observing,
................................... Looking,
................................... Searching,
................................... Investigating)

V. Principles ........(Data,
.................................... Info,
.................................... Facts,
.................................... Principles,
.................................... Laws)

VI. Testing .............(Collect,
.................................... Compare,
.................................... Test,
.................................... Analyze,
.................................... Ponder,
.................................... Conclude)

VII. Wisdom .........(Reasonable,
.................................... Practical,
.................................... Needed,
.................................... Permitted,
.................................... Wise,
.................................... Able,
.................................... Embraced)

Seven Eyes . . . One Stone . . .
Every Man!

Yahweh of Hosts
........“Thus saith Yahweh of Hosts;

My Ways
.........'If thou wilt walk in My Ways, and if thou wilt keep My Charge,'

Places to Walk
.........'Then thou shalt also judge My House, and shalt also keep My Courts, and I will give thee Places to Walk among these that Stand By.'

The Branch
.........'Hear now, O Joshua the high priest, thou, and thy fellows that sit before thee: for they are men wondered at: for behold, I will bring forth My Servant the Branch.'

One Stone
..........'For behold the Stone that I have laid before Joshua; upon One Stone shall be Seven Eyes;'

One Day
..........'Behold, I will engrave the graving thereof,' saith the Yahweh of Hosts, 'and I will remove the iniquity of that land In One Day.'

Every Man
..........'In that day,' saith Yahweh of Hosts, 'shall ye call every man his neighbour, under the vine and under the fig tree.'”
(Zechariah 3:7-10 KJV)

Seven Aspects of True Fruitful Vision

The Seven Churches

Seven Hills of the Revived Roman Empire

The Seven Spirits

The Seven Feasts
For more info
(Updated: 9-15-2022):
(Along with other blogspots not listed here)



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To friends, the thoughtful, to like-minded people, to our brothers or sisters and/or potential friends, as a teaching and edification aid, as seems good and as able, reasonable and lawful!

One New Man-GPR-Plus 04/4/2014