Tuesday, December 5, 2017

TERRIBLE 'Psych' Health & Peace of Mind >> 'THE Miracle CURE'! << Tremendous MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES -- 'Never Failing' TREATMENTS!

A Terrific Struggle, but an Incredible Remedy!
One New Man-Gary P R-Plus
 (Eph, Philip, Col),
August 6, 2016

A Terrific Struggle! 
       “I find this principle at work within me, that, when I desire to do good, I have these innate evil tendencies, within, oftentimes pushing/enticing me in an opposite carnal direction. Though, in my soul, I embrace God’s law, I see another law at work within me, warring against my determination to do good, to live righteously, and bringing me into bondage to a different law, one that is destructive, loveless and evil, one which seems to be ingrained into my very being.”

O What a Miserable Predicament, How Shall I Escape?
       “O miserable man, who will deliver me from this life of death? I’m so very thankful, to God through Jesus Christ our Lord. … for to us, who live according to and empowered by the Spirit of Christ Jesus and not as our worldly, self-centered, self-guided inner self would have, there is no condemnation, (no longer the sting of death, but life, love, freedom and the pursuit of true happiness & joy)!” (Romans 7:21-8:1) onm-gpr-plus-v

An Incredible Remedy!
       That's been my ongoing experience, but only if and as I repeatedly turn to Jesus in a heartfelt manner:

1) Call Upon the Name of ... (Gen 11:31-12:8; Isa 55; Rom 10:13), 
2) Wait in Jerusalem Until … (Luke 24:45-49; Acts 1), 
3) Really Hear ... (Isa 55; Jer 6; Heb 1-3), Eat & Drink Jesus (John 6),
4) Believe/Trust in … (Gen 15:1-6; Isa 30; John 1-16; Rom 1, 3, 4, 6-12; Gal),
5) Repent/Confess (Isa 1:16-20; 30; 55; 57:14-21; Ezek 18; Luke 19; Acts 2; Rom 6,10; Gal; 1 John 1:9; Rev 2-3),
6) Become as a Little Child (Matt 18:1-4) and
7) Die Unto ... ! (Matt 10:24-42; Rom 6, 8; Philip 2-3) A Blessed Death & Resurrection!
8) Continue to Struggle Until ... (Gen 32:22-30; Matt 11:11-15; Matt 10:22),
9) Rise in Newness of ... (Isa 30; Matt 11:28-30; John 3, 6, 8, 10, 14-16; Rom 6)
10) Go into Battle/Fight (Ps 23),
11) Feast on ... (Ps 23; John 6),
12) Enter His Rest (Heb 4:1-11), Love (1 John 4:5-21),
13) Build God's Beautiful Family (Eph 2:1-4:16),
14) Continue in His Kindness, Otherwise ... (2 Chron 15:2; Ezek 18; Matt 10:22; John 15; Rom 11:22; 1 Cor 3:10-18; Gal 5,6; Philip 3; Heb 12; Rev 2 & 3) and

Be One Spirit! (1 Cor 6:17) and

So, In Conclusion:

Touching the Face of God!
       In this way, we shall experience the embrace of God, His life, His family, His peace, His work & His Eternity. Even so, may we touch His face, experience His kiss and walk in His steps of peace!
(S.S. 1-4)  onm-gpr-plus-v

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       For friends and like-minded people, we grant permissionto distribute copies, or portions of this manuscript, with attribution (ex.: Courtesy of 'One New Man-Gary P R-Plus' or onm-gpr-plus), to friends and like-minded people, to our brothers or sisters, potential friends and/or others, as seems fitting and proper, as a teaching and edification aid, as one feels led by the Master of All.

One New Man-Gary P R-Plus
Plumb Line Truth’

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